Updated Secretary Policies & Procedures
The FL JCI Senate Chambers editor is Mindy Gallagher #79578. The Chambers is published quarterly. If you would like to contribute to the publication, please send your article to
2024-2025 Due Dates: September 30th, January 7th, April 8th
Past Publications
The Florida Blast is a monthly email blast that is sent out during the months when there isn't a Chambers publication. The Florida Blast editor is Amy Kent
Florida Blast Due Dates: August 30th, October 27th, November 30th, January 31th, February 28th, April 27th
Please note that these due dates are cutoff dates, if you do not have your information in, it may not get published. Florida Blast information should be short, simple and to the point. Longer articles should be submitted to the Chambers.
Past Florida Blast Publications: